An awe-inspiring 3D render of a colossal, otherworldly Capricorn Mech, a blend of apocalyptic sci-fi horror and elaborate engineering. The Capricorn Mech, with its infernal technology, looms large in the dark, post-apocalyptic environment. Its intricate design incorporates elements of the Capricorn zodiac sign, with sharp spikes and metallic horns. The mech's dark, sinister silhouette casts a chilling shadow, while an eerie red glow emanates from its core. This cinematic illustration captures the essence of a dystopian future, where the line between technology and horror is blurred., cinematic, 3d render, illustration, (masterpiece, best quality, perfect composition, very aesthetic, absurdres, ultra-detailed, intricate details, Professional, official art, Representative work:1.3)

