



The myth of steel spun by artificial intelligence .


This Lora is for generating robot and mecha of various genres that might appear in an anime .

It supports a wide range of designs , from heroic to military .

In addition , this Lora is not intended to output any particular well - known robot .

Recommended Setting

Checkpoint :AnythingV5_v5PrtRE,abyssorangemix3AOM3_aom3a1b,CounterfeitV30_v30

VAE : mecha v2_e3- pruned . ckpt (https://huggingface.co/sheldonxxx/MechaDream/resolve/main/mecha_v2_e3- pruned . ckpt ) Sampler : UniPC , DPM ++ SDE Karras ( Personal preference )

CFG Scale :10

Negative Embeddings : EasyNegative , bad - hands -5

Lora Weight :0.6~0.8

Hires . fix with scale >=2 is highly recommend

Style Description

By entering trigger words specifying various styles , it is possible to draw different designs for different genres .

· Super Robot Style ( SRS )


SD 1.5
提示语解释・Super Robot Style (SRS) 外表设计华丽的机器人・Military Robot Style (MRS) 重火力机器人,朴素坚固的外表・Real Robot Style (RRS)超级机器人大战角色,大多数高达选这个・Fantasy Robot Style (FRS)武士铠甲机器人The myth of steel spun by artificial intelligence . about This Lora is for generating robot and mecha of various genres that might appear in an anime . It supports a wide range of designs , from heroic to military . In addition , this Lora is not intended to output any particular well - known robot . Recommended Setting Checkpoint :AnythingV5_v5PrtRE,abyssorangemix3AOM3_aom3a1b,CounterfeitV30_v30 VAE : mecha v2_e3- pruned . ckpt (https://huggingface.co/sheldonxxx/MechaDream/resolve/main/mecha_v2_e3- pruned . ckpt ) Sampler : UniPC , DPM ++ SDE Karras ( Personal preference ) CFG Scale :10 Negative Embeddings : EasyNegative , bad - hands -5 Lora Weight :0.6~0.8 Hires . fix with scale >=2 is highly recommend Style Description By entering trigger words specifying various styles , it is possible to draw different designs for different genres . · Super Robot Style ( SRS )


模型转载自: https://civitai-delivery-worker-prod-2023-07-01.5ac0637cfd0766c97916cefa3764fbdf.r2.cloudflarestorag

转载模型仅用作交流、学习使用,不可商用。 原作者可加入交流群联系吐司工作人员认领模型。


