Here is a surrealistic poster art composition:

In the heart of a mystical city, an ancient Chinese man gazes up at a starry sky, surrounded by a halo of luminous orbs. A dragon's scale-armored back weaves through the clouds, its long hair flowing like wisps of fog. In the foreground, a ornate armillary sphere and astrolabe sit atop a stack of ancient tomes, with a seismograph and astronomical telescope nearby. The city's magnificent architecture rises up behind him, with a lantern-lit tower piercing the gray background. A bird perched on the windowsill appears to be flying away from the chaos below, where a massive tree trunk crashes through the pavement, its roots tangled in a chain link fence. Amidst the surreal details, a glowing ball of light hangs suspended in mid-air, illuminating the scene with an otherworldly glow.

