In the serene ambiance of a traditional Chinese garden, two women are engaged in a game of Weiqi. The one in white is poised, her fingers moving with deliberate grace to place a black stone on the grid. Her hanfu dress, as white as fresh snow, has a high collar but a neckline that plunges subtly to showcase her cleavage. The fabric of her dress whispers in the gentle breeze, mirroring the quiet elegance of the game.
Across from her, the woman in green is equally engrossed, her hanfu a vibrant shade that brings life to the classical setting. The dress hugs her figure, its neckline high but with a daring keyhole cutout that draws the eye to her décolletage. As they ponder their next moves, their eyes meet, and there's a spark of friendly rivalry, their shared passion for the game evident in their focused expressions.,chinese ink painting,paint splatter,ink wash painting,

