
 A young girl surrounded by a vibrant bouquet of gardenias, lilies, and roses, exuding a sweet and joyful aura. She wears round-framed glasses that accentuate her delicate features, with her hair a striking blend of black and yellow, falling just above her shoulders. Her skin is fair, complemented by a warm smile that lights up her face, with thin and soft eyebrows that add to her gentle beauty. She's dressed in a form-fitting black crop top that highlights her toned figure, a heather grey hoodie draped casually over her shoulders, black jeans that accentuate her long legs, and stylish black leather boots. Adorned with a dainty necklace and elegant earrings, she exudes a confident and alluring charm
, Girl, 1 girl, office lady,pencil skirt, Purity Portait, Tight latex clothing



A young girl surrounded by a vibrant bouquet of gardenias, lilies, and roses, exuding a sweet and joyful aura. She wears round-framed glasses that accentuate her delicate features, with her hair a striking blend of black and yellow, falling just above her shoulders. Her skin is fair, complemented by a warm smile that lights up her face, with thin and soft eyebrows that add to her gentle beauty. She's dressed in a form-fitting black crop top that highlights her toned figure, a heather grey hoodie draped casually over her shoulders, black jeans that accentuate her long legs, and stylish black leather boots. Adorned with a dainty necklace and elegant earrings, she exudes a confident and alluring charm , Girl, 1 girl, office lady,pencil skirt, Purity Portait, Tight latex clothing


EasyNegative, badhandsv4, (worst quality, low quality:2), monochrome, zombie, overexposure, watermark, text, bad anatomy, bad hand, extra hands, extra fingers, too many fingers, fused fingers, bad arm, distorted arm, extra arms, fused arms, extra legs, missing leg, disembodied leg, extra nipples, detached arm, liquid hand, inverted hand, disembodied limb, small breasts, loli, oversized head, extra body, completely nude, extra navel, easynegative, (hair between eyes), sketch, duplicate, ugly, huge eyes, text, logo, worst face, (bad and mutated hands:1.3), (blurry:2.0), horror, geometry, bad_prompt, (bad hands), (missing fingers), multiple limbs, bad anatomy, (interlocked fingers:1.2), Ugly Fingers, (extra digit and hands and fingers and legs and arms:1.4), ((2girl)), (deformed fingers:1.2), (long fingers:1.2), (bad-artist-anime), bad-artist, bad hand, extra legs, (ng_deepnegative_v1_75t), text, watermark, deformed, mutilated, morbid, anatomical nonsense, bad body, bad proportions, big muscles, mutation, uncoordinated body, unnatural body, cloned face, duplicate face, multiple people, malformed, disfigured, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra ears, bad ears, fused ears, liquid ears, liquid animal ears, bad animal ears, extra animal ears, missing ears, missing animal ears, poorly drawn animal ears, heavy animal ears, poorly drawn ears, heavy ears, black tongue, colorful tongue, bad hairs, fused hairs, poorly drawn hairs, cross-eyed, extra eyes, bad eyes, fused eyes, unclear eyes, poorly drawn eyes, bad face, fused face, big face, long face


DPM++ 2M Karras



提示词相关性(CFG Scale)




Clip Skip




