Office parks, eco-buildings,Ribbon corridor connection, science and technology themed promenade,the blue and white glass façade of the building has a translucent texture, Tarmac road in the center with pedestrians and vehicles, Green belts next to city streets,the landscape is rich with many shrubs, trees, and street trees that, city street,(Lots and lots of plants:2), high resolution, masterpiece, perspective, perspective, architectural effect diagram, movie scene, high resolution, (city: 1.2), concise, ultra-high quality,(clean facade:1.5), light, glass, transparent, high resolution, masterpiece, perspective, perspective, architectural effect diagram, movie scene, high resolution, (city: 1.2), concise, daytime, soft light, ultra-high quality, unreal engine rendering, ultra-fine section, masterpiece,beautiful lighting,whilt cloud,blue sky,sun,landscape,(many technology:1.1), (modern builings), Depth of Field Effect,Clouds,jzcg006,modern architectural renderings,JZCG029, architecture

