The Stuart Lippincott style, Philip McKay style, is glowing, with two-tone hair, glowing eyes, fog, mist, white, black, split theme, two-tone, moon, little girl, Red, solo, glow, (desert canyon: 1.5), Ordos Desert Grand Canyon, sandstorm, (tornado: 1.8), (flying sand: 1.8), sandstorm, Wind, hurricane, gloomy sky, abandoned mound, broken wall, old, winded, deserted.
, quero imagen ultra realista e em 4k "Imagine an epic, ultra-realistic scene in 4K: Deus desce do Monte Sinai em meio a uma tempestade impressionante. The mountain is covered in lightning and dark clouds as lightning lights up the sky. God is surrounded by a divine aura, with flowing white beards and eyes that radiate wisdom and power. Its majestic figure slowly descends towards the earth, com um manto que parece feito de estrelas cintilantes. As he descends, The surrounding landscape is bathed in a heavenly lightAnd the people below look on with reverence and admiration.", ananmo, BOSSTYLE, Arien view, tears, expressionless eyes, (photorealistic:1.4), cowboy shot, Surrealism, Futurism, god rays, Sony FE GM, Conceptual art, stereogram, UHD, masterpiece, ccurate, high details, high quality, highres, 16k,(big breasta:1.8), DCG, bailing_ice_sculpture, poakl christmas style, anhei, sea, bailing_darkness, lzgs, halloween style, shining, Architecture, 1girl,panorama, atmospheric perspective, wide shot, from below, (\shen ming shao nv\), HUBG_Beauty_Girl

