High quality, super detail, masterpieces,8k, In an antique Chinese painting, a graceful young woman stands still in the poetic landscape. Her face had not changed. It still retained its classic charm and quiet beauty, while her ordinary mouth had been carefully described and transformed into a breath-taking beauty, as polished jade as warm and full of vivid expression, every trace of smile is just the right to show the subtle and elegant Oriental women. Black hair cascading down the shoulders, silky, as if in the breeze blowing gently swaying. She was dressed in gorgeous but elegant ancient costumes, graceful figure, a perfect interpretation of the ancient Chinese aesthetics of women's image of the ideal pursuit. The landscape remains the same, with its ink-painting of mountains and rivers, mountains and mountains, and the pines and bamboos interspersed with them, creating a stunning blend of natural harmony and humanity. In this quaint image, the woman's figure was especially eye-catching. The corners of her mouth lifted slightly, and her beautiful lips, which had been altered, became a magical link between the past and the present, arousing the endless imagination., mtianmei

