Giant Flowers: In future environments, Dermatocarpus may evolve into giant flowers, up to several meters or even ten meters tall. These giant flowers could become landmark botanical landscapes, attracting pollinators of all kinds, from small insects to large birds
Metal blades: Due to the increase in pollutants in the environment, the leaves of the chrysanthemum may evolve a metal-like appearance in response to the aggression of pollutants. These metal blades may reflect sunlight, reduce damage to plants, and visually create a captivating landscape.
Trunk magnetism: To accommodate the increasing electromagnetic radiation, the trunk of the tree may develop a magnetic nature, similar to a compass, to help the plant orient and orient. Such an evolution may turn the chrysanthemum into a biological indicator in the environment, providing people with information about radiation levels.
Flowering underwater: As climate change expands its waters, it is possible that the chrysanthemum has evolved the ability to bloom underwater. Such a change would allow the chrysanthemum to become part of the underwater ecosystem and interact with aquatic organisms.

