High quality, masterpiece, original, extremely detailed wallpaper, exquisite scenery, full body, front facing, with a downward viewing angle,A large studio, sofa, coffee machine, table, a mountain of books piled up on the table, a big blackboard, with photos of faces that cannot be seen clearly on the blackboard,Solo, fox ears, handsome girl, medium hair, multi branched plaits, small long debate on the left front hair, hair shadow, messy hair, right slanting bangs, light white hair, pointed blue hair, dynamic hair, big eyes, blue back hair, purple eyes, firm eyes, powder blusher, mid chest, small and slim figure,Black half open hooded coat, wearing a hoodie that covers the slanted half of the face, fingerless gloves, blue and white striped off shoulder dress, collar, sports shoes,Glancing at me,Hang a dagger on your legs, turn around,

