(((masterpiece, best quality))), 1-3 characters, close-up or full body, highly detailed, half-beast, fur, scales, feathers, horns, ears, tails, animalistic features, various styles, anime, cartoon, realistic, painterly, watercolor, pastel, detailed background, forest, mountains, cityscape, abstract, geometric, vibrant colors, muted colors, warm lighting, cool lighting, lens flare, bokeh effect, blurry foreground, looking at viewer, confident and fierce, playful and mischievous, mysterious and alluring, regal and majestic, detailed clothing, armor, accessories, weapons, tribal patterns, tattoos, piercings,///////////, 789456

(((masterpiece, best quality))), 1-3 characters, close-up or full body, highly detailed, half-beast, fur, scales, feathers, horns, ears, tails, animalistic features, various styles, anime, cartoon, realistic, painterly, watercolor, pastel, detailed background, forest, mountains, cityscape, abstract, geometric, vibrant colors, muted colors, warm lighting, cool lighting, lens flare, bokeh effect, blurry foreground, looking at viewer, confident and fierce, playful and mischievous, mysterious and alluring, regal and majestic, detailed clothing, armor, accessories, weapons, tribal patterns, tattoos, piercings,///////////, 789456

