first-person street photography,portrait of a female subject,against the bustling urban backdrop,standing at a busy downtown intersection,neon signs and storefronts illuminating the scene,streetlights casting dramatic interplay of light and shadow,subject looking straight into the camera,expression a blend of confidence and introspection,unique fashion statement reflecting personal style,blending seamlessly into the vibrant cityscape,passersby blurred in motion,low-light conditions demanding ISO 1600,aperture F1.8 to achieve sharp focus while blurring background distractions,shutter speed 1/160 sec to capture the energy of the city,utilizing Nikon D750's exceptional low-light performance,MEGA_ISP Resolution,immortalizing an unfiltered, authentic moment in the heartbeat of the metropolis
,((poakl)),(((fisheye perspective, perspective, vanishing point, wide angle))),((looking into the camera, hands outside the camera))

