DonMSt34mPXL male female reverse engineers, gene-spliced hybrid, being resulting from genetic manipulation, exhibiting a mix of species traits, young *****, petite, scandinavian, steel gray eyes,   pointed chin,  low cheekbones,   athletic build,  , brown cornrows hair, frown, balanced stance, character stands with feet together and arms at the sides, maintaining perfect balance,  wearing neon signage pattern    bluish-golden    cybernetic nanoflake coating augmented reality jeans, pearl    quantum-tech bio-textile cyber-denim vest, holo-foil wedge sandals,  quantum-linked headset , relaxed rest, character sits or leans against a surface, looking calm and at ease, hazy atmospheric glow, the question of what it means to be human in a world governed by ai, biopunk  , DONMST34MPXL

