
(((masterpiece))), (((best quality))), ((ultra-detailed)),good composition,(illustration),(( 8k wallpaper)), (detailed light),UHD,((an extremely delicate and beautiful)), (beautiful detailed eyes),beautiful art, artistic, realistic, (((hand with five delicate fingers))), ((perfect anatomy)),(perfect lightingbest quality),glossy skin, fine skin, vibrant colors,,((1 boy, male, manly face)),watercolor_(medium),more_details:-1, more_details:0, more_details:0.5, more_details:1, more_details:1.5,  intricate detail, ((solo,cowboy shot)), ((black hair,red eyes,long hair)),standing, chinese style action theme,intricate scenery, otherworldly, fantasy, intricate detail, sharp lines, sharp shadows, smooth lighting,(((black chinese style Coarse linen clothes:1.5), acient east asia architecture )), black shoes,chinese dynasty background:1.2,Chinese style,(((red eyes))),standing,((strong man:1.3)), ((black puffed pants:1.5)),((laughing out loud))

