(((white stockings))),1female, high school girl, candy-themed environment, short pleated skirt, frilly white stockings, sailor-style uniform with pink accents, matching bow in hair, cute canvas shoes, backpack adorned with cartoon character patches, playful smile, holding a colorful lollipop, standing in front of a whimsical candy house made of gingerbread, cotton candy clouds, rainbow candy cane fence, gumdrop flowers, sugary pastel sky, heart-shaped buttons on uniform, sweet treats scattered around, smartphone case with kawaii stickers, twinkling star-shaped earrings, pigtails or twin braids, glossy bubblegum pink lips, bright-eyed enthusiasm, surrounded by oversized cupcakes and donuts, lollipop trees, striped candy cane pathway, anime-inspired design elements, fluffy marshmallow ground, holding a folder or textbook, charming innocence, carefree pose,((poakl))

