(Floating, colossal, futuristic angel in the sky:1.4),awe-inspiring and serene, in the style of Stuart Lippincott:2, with detailed composition and subtle geometric elements,The light and dark gradually,This sanctuary-like atmosphere features crisp clarity and soft Colorful tones,(In contrast, tiny angel figures surround the sword:1.2),High light and dark contrast,creating a sense of scale and tension against the grandness of the statue.
The piece incorporates flowing draperies, reminiscent of Shwedoff and Philip McKay's styles, in the style of atmospheric photograms, Colorful fluorescence,trompe-I'ceil
illusionistic detail, fleeting brushstrokes, firecore, aerial view, bibliographic anomalies,(The quality of the movie is Kodak film,dark theme:1.6), surrealism, asymmetry, high saturation, European classicism,line art,ivan shshkin, blue_streaked_hair, ussrart

