The Emperor of the Wild, Shi Hao, was tall and majestic like a mountain, giving people a strong sense of oppression. His skin presents a faint golden luster, as if cast in gold, appearing noble and mysterious. His eyes were as deep as the sea, as brilliant as the stars, as if he could discern all truths in the world. A head of black long hair fluttered in the wind, adding to his handsomeness and elegance.
In terms of temperament, the Emperor of the Wilderness, Shi Hao, is majestic and domineering, with every move and gaze revealing unparalleled confidence. The powerful aura emanating from him seemed to intimidate heaven and earth, making all things bow down and submit. His smile is profound and charming, making people involuntarily fall for it.
As a Heavenly Emperor, Shi Hao's attire was naturally extremely gorgeous. He was wearing golden battle armor, with shining gemstones embedded in the armor, shining brightly. The armor is carved with complex runes and patterns, showcasing his noble identity and powerful strength. Wearing a long sword at his waist, the sword flickered with a cold light, revealing a fierce murderous aura

