(8k, contemporary Chinese streetwear style, trendy quality), vividly-detailed, (vibrant, youthful skin with a confident and fashionable look), 1girl, full body, post-apocalyptic wasteland punk style, rugged and resourceful expression, piercing amber eyes shielded by dusty goggles with cracked lenses, long dirty blonde hair tied in a messy braid adorned with scraps of metal and braided twine, wearing a weathered leather jacket over a ragged **** top, patched up with various patches and remnants from the old world, fitted cargo pants held up by a worn belt loaded with survival tools and gadgets, heavy-duty boots caked in desert dust and grime, standing amidst the ruins of a once-great city now reclaimed by nature and decay, wielding a customized sawed-off shotgun at her side and a makeshift crossbow hanging from her back, accessorized with scavenged bullet casings turned into jewelry, bandoliers of ammunition draped across her chest, and a trusty backpack filled with essentials, background featuring rusting vehicles, crumbling buildings, and twisted metal structures, all under an orange-tinged sky illuminated by a setting sun, embodying the essence of resilience and self-reliance in a harsh, unforgiving world.((poakl))

