In the outer space of the planet Gamma, a black battleship slowly comes from an evil alien civilization, they want to conquer the planet Gamma and plunder its resources. The Gamma Dragon King feels threatened and awakens from his slumber.
The Gamma Dragon King flapped his huge wings and charged the enemy fleet. Their wings shimmer with dazzling light, and each flick is accompanied by a powerful surge of energy. The enemy ships opened fire at once, but the Gamma Dragon King's skin was as hard as iron, and he easily repelled the enemy's attack.
The Gamma Kings began to attack the enemy ships with their great power. They spewed fire from their mouths and burned the enemy ships one by one. Some of the enemy ships tried to escape, but the Gamma Kings were extremely fast and chased their enemies through space, killing them one by one.
After a fierce battle, the Gamma Dragon King finally defeated the enemy fleet. Life on the planet Gamma rejoiced and celebrated this victory. The Gamma Draco are once again the guardians of the planet, and their courage and strength will always be remembered.,<lora:660447313082219790:1.0>

