cat,流光效果,粒子散发,具有逼真和超详细的效果图、梦幻梦境、uhd图像、点画艺术品、流体摄影的风格,溶解于粒子中,发光粒子,光学耀斑,Snowy city center.
A black-haired woman sits alone, wearing a blue coat with a white, fluffy collar. She smiles warmly, looking up at the sky. Her eyes are blue, reflecting the sky. She seems nostalgic or hopeful.
Skyscrapers tower over the street, where cars and people come and go. She spends her time quietly, in contrast to the hustle and bustle of the city.
The snow falls, creating a white carpet around her. The snow accumulates on her skin and clothes, but she doesn't mind. She likes this place, where she can listen to her heart and get closer to her dreams.
She doesn't move yet. She still looks at the sky. She still looks beautiful.

