msn, 1girl, solo, solo, solo,
sailor moon,Sailor Saturn,(tomoe hotaru),tomoe hotaru,tomoe hotaru,tomoe hotaru,Purple eyes,(Purple black hair:1.3),Purple hair, deep Purple hair,(short hair:1.6),short hair,short hair,Hair to the shoulders,loose hair,loose hair,loose hair,white Purple skirt, Purple white theme,shiny, fluffy hair,
Lace wedding dress, (Purple white wedding dress:1.3), (wedding dress:1.6), flower,
jewelry,earrings,solo,looking_at_viewe, facing_viewer, facing, facing, WANSHENG, tuyagirl, chang, long sleeves, backlightloose hairs,1boy, traditional chinese ink painting,black and white ink painting,yunbin,chain,sailor moon

