Head: The human dragon’s head has human features, with distinct facial features, bright eyes, a tall nose bridge, and thin lips. The hair may be a human feature, or according to descriptions in myths and legends, the human dragon’s head may be hairless.

Neck: The human dragon’s neck connects the human head and the dragon body. Its neck is relatively slender and may have a certain degree of flexibility.

Torso: The human dragon’s torso is a dragon’s body, strong and powerful, with distinct muscle lines. Its skin is covered with hard scales, giving people an invincible feeling.

Limbs: The human dragon’s limbs are dragon features, very developed, and full of muscles. Its claws are incredibly sharp, capable of easily tearing apart hard objects. Its legs are strong and powerful, able to support its massive body.

Tail: The human dragon’s tail is a dragon feature, long and sturdy, with a sharp刺-like end. Its tail has excellent flexibility, playing an important role in battle.

Wings: Some versions of the human dragon have wings, which are huge and powerful, allowing them to soar through the air. The scales on their wings also provide them with additional protection.

In summary, this type of human dragon is a mysterious creature with a human head and a dragon body. Its body parts are full of strength and mystery., HEZI

