A view of the grand Potala Palace
best quality,4k,8k,highres,masterpiece:1.2,ultra-detailed,realistic:1.37,portrait,landscape,HDR,UHD,studio lighting,ultra-fine painting,sharp focus,professional,vivid colors,bokeh

I want you to generate an image of the grand Potala Palace, which is located in Lhasa, *****. The palace is an architectural marvel, a towering structure that has stood for centuries. It is the heart of ***** and a symbol of its rich cultural heritage.

The image I want you to generate should showcase the grandeur of this palace. The palace should be the center of the image, and its intricate details and design should be visible. The palace should be detailed with vibrant colors, and the image should have a realistic feel to it.

I would also like the image to showcase the surrounding landscape. The palace sits on a hilltop, so the viewer should get a sense of how high it is. The landscape around the palace should be lush and green, with the sky a deep blue color. There should be a sense of serenity and peace in the image.

