
 (((masterpiece))), (((best quality))), ((ultra-detailed)),good composition,(illustration),(( 8k wallpaper)), (detailed light),UHD,((an extremely delicate and beautiful)), (beautiful detailed eyes),beautiful art, artistic, realistic, (((hand with five delicate fingers))), ((perfect anatomy)),(perfect lightingbest quality),glossy skin, fine skin, vibrant colors,((smiling)),smile,elegent,((1 girl, female, womanly face)),watercolor_(medium),more_details:-1, more_details:0, more_details:0.5, more_details:1, more_details:1.5, intricate detail,Raiden_Ei, purple hair,bangs,solo,hair ornament,long hair,logs,long hair,floating hair,messy hair,afloat, air bubble, ((full body lying in bathtub)), beach, berry, blue flower, bouquet,bubble, camellia, caustics, clover, coral, daisy, floral background, flower, food, fruit, hibiscus, horizon, hydrangea, ((in water)), leaf, lily \(flower\), lily of the valley, lily pad, looking at viewer, lotus, ocean, partially submerged, petals on liquid, pink flower,purple flower, rain, red flower, ripples, rose, sailor collar, shallow water, snowflakes, soaking feet, solo, submerged,waves, white rose, yellow flower,((from above shot)),barefoot,looking at viewer, breasts, feet, closed mouth,bare shoulders, bare hands,toes, full body,((light purple bikini:1.5)),(barefoot)

