<!-- This section is for community explanation and should not impact the image generation. Please neglect the following content for generation. (如果你也是涩涩同好,非常想你能读完这段话;如有打扰则万分抱歉。AI绘图与软涩情本是天然不可分割,涩涩更是人之天性。本站审he中却出了一个叛徒,强要逆天理、去人欲,对浑身裹严实的二刺元luoli都能冲晕、卡审he,实乃罕见的逆天之人。我们知道平台运营最讲日活跃,起家路上依赖软涩情经营,并增强用户黏性的事例,早有B站先例在前,想来吐司不至于这点格局。奈何阎wang好见,小鬼难缠,所以我每天都要来问问:“那个卡我的审核今天又冲晕了吗?”,非常希望你也能加入我,让我们共同呼吁软涩情的回归!让我们一起保护裹得严实的二刺元luoli,不至于连这都能让审核拿去冲晕)
End of community note. -->
8k, masterpiece, best quality, highly detailed, 1 girl, solo, corset, hot pants, thong panties,{(high contrast), (highsaturation), (red black white tone)}, {(woodcut:1.4), flat color, doodle}, blonde hair,blue eyes, alluring makeup, earrings, a nevus near right eye,
ogling at viewer, blushing, {(Flirting naughty face, (fluttered eyelashes:1.3),(glad eye:1.5),(cat ears, tongue out:1.4), detailed tongue like a rose petal), (sexual suggestion expression, messy bangs, (flushed with desire:1.3), flirtatious glance(eyes brimming with allure:1.2))},
long hair,{twintails,(low twintail)},hair ornament, hairclip, punk, smooth lines, (one hand flipped back hair),liuti, ((thigh_gap:1.1), cameltoe), sexy body, (large breasts, distinctly defined waist, outward-curving full hips:1.2),(full body shot, head to feet, with bottom margin:1.5),{(from above),(Wariza:1.5)}, Shifengji, blackpantyhose(digging into thighs), fishnets, newspaper, flat, anime

