masterpiece,best quality,male focus,(manly),masculine appeal, handsome face,finely detailed eyes and face, youthful face,(solo),(alone),cowboy shot, detailed eyes, Perfect features,(20-year-old male),narrow waist,1boy,mature male, Chongyue,zhongyue,earrings,horns,(red eyes),horns,gloves,jewelry,brown hair,god rays,muscular male, large pectorals,<lora:角色重岳chongyue:0.6:MIDD> <lora:效果修复手GoodHands-beta2:0.4> <lora:效果强化男性AQMLORA-V5:1>,<lora:风格原宿风Harajuku:0.5>,

masterpiece,best quality,male focus,(manly),masculine appeal, handsome face,finely detailed eyes and face, youthful face,(solo),(alone),cowboy shot, detailed eyes, Perfect features,(20-year-old male),narrow waist,1boy,mature male, Chongyue,zhongyue,earrings,horns,(red eyes),horns,gloves,jewelry,brown hair,god rays,muscular male, large pectorals,<lora:角色重岳chongyue:0.6:MIDD> <lora:效果修复手GoodHands-beta2:0.4> <lora:效果强化男性AQMLORA-V5:1>,<lora:风格原宿风Harajuku:0.5>,



masterpiece,best quality,male focus,(manly),masculine appeal, handsome face,finely detailed eyes and face, youthful face,(solo),(alone),cowboy shot, detailed eyes, Perfect features,(20-year-old male),narrow waist,1boy,mature male, Chongyue,zhongyue,earrings,horns,(red eyes),horns,gloves,jewelry,brown hair,god rays,muscular male, large pectorals,<lora:角色重岳chongyue:0.6:MIDD> <lora:效果修复手GoodHands-beta2:0.4> <lora:效果强化男性AQMLORA-V5:1>,<lora:风格原宿风Harajuku:0.5>,


(worst quality, low quality:1.4), easyNegative, badhandv4, multiple views, multiple panels, text, logo, watermark,(aged down, teenage, (((lipstick))), worst quality, low quality:2.0, blurry:1.4, badhandv4), multiple views, multiple panels, (text, signature, artist name, watermark),(((Blurred facial features))),(((disfigured))),((Feminine facial features)),(Pupils of different sizes),baby face,(Feminine style),(eyebrow:1.3),Too many fingers,bad hands,facial hair, facial hair, facial hair, bad-artist, bad-hands-5, badhandv4, badv3, boring_e621, EasyNegative, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t,missing arms,bad hands,bad anatomy,extra digit,fewer digits,Low resolution, low-res, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, censored, logo, watermark, artist name, cropped, jpeg artifacts, signature, UI, monochrome, out of focus, text, error, imperfect, Childish, children, infant, 1 girl, woman, she, her, lady, girl, beard, glasses, Bad anatomy, blurry faces, blurry mouth, blurry nose, blurry eyes, skewed eyes, glowing eyes, missing limbs, extra limb, floating limbs, disjointed limbs, missing body parts, double body parts, extra nipples, elongated torso, twisted neck, twisted waist, twisted pelvis, fat hips, fat, extra fingers, conjoined fingers, deformed finger, extra digits, fewer digits, double hands, fused hand, missing hand, twisted hand, deformed hand, disappearing arms, third leg, curved leg, disappearing thigh, disappearing calf, disappearing leg, breasts, vagina, pussy,(easynegative:1.4), paintings, sketches, (worst quality:1.8), (logo,low quality:1.8), (normal quality:1.8), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)),wood,stone,((poorly drawn hands)),more than 1 left hand, more than 1 right hand, short arm, (((missing arms))), bad hands,missing fingers,(extradigit),(fewer digits),mutated hands,(fused fingers),(too many fingers),sharp fingers,wrong figernails,long hand,double middle finger,index fingers together,missing indexfinger,interlocked fingers,pieck fingers,sharp fingernails,(steepled fingers),x fingers,((curled fingers)),(no finger gaps),interlocked fingers,fingers different thickness,cross fingers,poor outline,big fingers,finger growth,outline on body,outline on hair,out line on background,more than one hands,fuse arm,fuse elbow,more than two arm,more than two elbow,[:(mutated hands and fingers,one hand with more than 5 fingers, one hand with less than 5 fingers):0.8],city,建筑,bulge,bluge, bad-artist bad-hands-5 badhandv4 badv3 EasyNegative boring_e621 ng_deepnegative_v1_75t badv4 (GS-DeFeminize-neg),nipples,absurdres hair,blonde_hair,facial hair, mature male, mature female, absurdres hair,blonde_hair,facial hair, mature male, mature female, absurdres hair,blonde_hair,facial hair, mature male, mature female, absurdres hair,blonde_hair,facial hair, mature male, mature female, absurdres hair,blonde_hair,facial hair, mature male, mature female, absurdres hair,blonde_hair,facial hair, mature male, mature female, absurdres hair,blonde_hair,facial hair, mature male, mature female, absurdres hair,blonde_hair,facial hair, mature female,


DPM++ 2M Karras



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