
a young male character with short hair,wearing a collared shirt and a cloak. He is holding a crown,which is the focal point of the image. The character appears contemplative or in deep thought,with his eyes closed. The background is plain white,ensuring that the viewer's attention is drawn solely to the character and the crown. The artwork is in grayscale,emphasizing the contrast between the character's attire and the background.,

a young male character with short hair,wearing a collared shirt and a cloak. He is holding a crown,which is the focal point of the image. The character appears contemplative or in deep thought,with his eyes closed. The background is plain white,ensuring that the viewer's attention is drawn solely to the character and the crown. The artwork is in grayscale,emphasizing the contrast between the character's attire and the background.,
a young male character with short hair,wearing a collared shirt and a cloak. He is holding a crown,which is the focal point of the image. The character appears contemplative or in deep thought,with his eyes closed. The background is plain white,ensuring that the viewer's attention is drawn solely to the character and the crown. The artwork is in grayscale,emphasizing the contrast between the character's attire and the background.,

