
Elf has long flowing hair, which is silvery white or light golden in color. The hair is soft and smooth, gently fluttering in the wind, and emitting a faint light. face: Her face is exquisite, her features are delicate, her skin is as smooth as porcelain, her ears are slightly pointed, typical elf features, and she has an otherworldly beauty. apparel: Wearing a green forest robe made of light fabric embellished with delicate golden patterns and vine patterns, symbolizing the power of nature and life. Under the illumination of the light, the robe showed a soft luster and swayed slightly with her movements. Magic light spot: The elves are surrounded by many tiny light points, which jump in the air like fireflies, emitting a soft light, adding to the sense of mystery and dreaminess. background: forest: trees: The background is a dense deep forest with tall and ancient trees with thick trunks and lush leaves that appear dark green. The interlaced branches and leaves of the trees form a natural canopy. Light shines through the gaps between the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow, giving people a sense of tranquility and mystery. ground: The ground is covered with thick leaves and moss, and occasionally some wild flowers dot it, adding a bit of vitality. A small stream flows slowly, the water is crystal clear, reflecting the light of the sky. color: tone: The overall design is mainly green, gold and brown, with soft and natural tones, full of vitality and harmony. Green is mainly reflected in the robes of elves and the leaves of the forest, symbolizing life and nature. Gold embellishments on the patterns and vines of the robe, as well as the glow of light spots, add a sense of mystery and sanctity. Brown is mainly reflected in the tree trunks and fallen leaves on the ground, adding to the layering of the picture. Atmosphere: Overall atmosphere: The overall atmosphere of the picture is tranquil and mysterious, giving people the feeling of entering a fairy tale world. The light and shimmering dots of light filtering through the leaves create a dreamlike visual effect. (\shen ming shao nv\), white pantyhose

Elf has long flowing hair, which is silvery white or light golden in color. The hair is soft and smooth, gently fluttering in the wind, and emitting a faint light.
Her face is exquisite, her features are delicate, her skin is as smooth as porcelain, her ears are slightly pointed, typical elf features, and she has an otherworldly beauty.
Wearing a green forest robe made of light fabric embellished with delicate golden patterns and vine patterns, symbolizing the power of nature and life.
Under the illumination of the light, the robe showed a soft luster and swayed slightly with her movements.
Magic light spot:
The elves are surrounded by many tiny light points, which jump in the air like fireflies, emitting a soft light, adding to the sense of mystery and dreaminess.
The background is a dense deep forest with tall and ancient trees with thick trunks and lush leaves that appear dark green.
The interlaced branches and leaves of the trees form a natural canopy. Light shines through the gaps between the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow, giving people a sense of tranquility and mystery.
The ground is covered with thick leaves and moss, and occasionally some wild flowers dot it, adding a bit of vitality.
A small stream flows slowly, the water is crystal clear, reflecting the light of the sky.
The overall design is mainly green, gold and brown, with soft and natural tones, full of vitality and harmony.
Green is mainly reflected in the robes of elves and the leaves of the forest, symbolizing life and nature.
Gold embellishments on the patterns and vines of the robe, as well as the glow of light spots, add a sense of mystery and sanctity.
Brown is mainly reflected in the tree trunks and fallen leaves on the ground, adding to the layering of the picture.
Overall atmosphere:
The overall atmosphere of the picture is tranquil and mysterious, giving people the feeling of entering a fairy tale world.
The light and shimmering dots of light filtering through the leaves create a dreamlike visual effect.
(\shen ming shao nv\), white pantyhose

