
Below the white clouds lies a distant mountain jungle, surrounded by an ancient building surrounded by a forest. Standing in front of me is a beautiful and charming little girl wearing a white shirt and a black short skirt. In the cool autumn season, this place is full of golden painting style. The waterfall in the mountains flows with fine water, and there is a small path paved with stone slabs in front of me. A thick and large tree is behind the girl, and ink painting is used. The colorful scene is exquisitely crafted with the best proportion, 8K high-definition, and ultra-high resolution, AI Ink Landscape, AI Chinese Style

Below the white clouds lies a distant mountain jungle, surrounded by an ancient building surrounded by a forest. Standing in front of me is a beautiful and charming little girl wearing a white shirt and a black short skirt. In the cool autumn season, this place is full of golden painting style. The waterfall in the mountains flows with fine water, and there is a small path paved with stone slabs in front of me. A thick and large tree is behind the girl, and ink painting is used. The colorful scene is exquisitely crafted with the best proportion, 8K high-definition, and ultra-high resolution, AI Ink Landscape, AI Chinese Style

