
She has red high ponytail and yellow eyes Elegant - she wear noble and Sexy red War robe with golden patterns and show blod manners. Majestic - as a strong individual, she exudes a heroic and imposing aura. Beautiful - As a goddess, she is be good looking and have Infinite beauty. Sexy - Lateral breast, cleavage, Queen's temperament - she gives the impression of being aloof, majestic and sacred. She is a fire God, sacred and inviolable,Mighty and domineering, shining like the sun She floats in mid air, surrounded by flame elements, With a disdainful smile on his face,her body at the center (releasing countless flame bolts and shattering the surrounding floating stones: 1.3),Giant flame wings unfold,powerful flame magic, impactful visuals, cinematic, particle effects, lighting effects, exaggerated perspectives and details, fire element

 She has red high ponytail and yellow eyes
Elegant - she wear noble and Sexy red War robe with golden patterns and show blod manners.
Majestic - as a strong individual, she exudes a heroic and imposing aura.
Beautiful - As a goddess, she is be good looking and have Infinite beauty.
Sexy - Lateral breast, cleavage,
Queen's temperament - she gives the impression of being aloof, majestic and sacred.
She is a fire God, sacred and inviolable,Mighty and domineering, shining like the sun
She floats in mid air, surrounded by flame elements, With a disdainful smile on his face,her body at the center (releasing countless flame bolts and shattering the surrounding floating stones: 1.3),Giant flame wings unfold,powerful flame magic,
impactful visuals, cinematic, particle effects, lighting effects, exaggerated perspectives and details, fire element

