
solo, weapon, Korean text, no humans, robot, mecha, science fiction, realistic GUNDAM,model aging,Edge wear,battle wear, destoryMode,whole body,Samurai sword,purple all over, SRS,shot, shot posture,attack,attack posture,Firing bullet,Firing bullet posture

 solo, weapon, Korean text, no humans, robot, mecha, science fiction, realistic GUNDAM,model aging,Edge wear,battle wear, destoryMode,whole body,Samurai sword,purple all over, SRS,shot, shot posture,attack,attack posture,Firing bullet,Firing bullet posture
 solo, weapon, Korean text, no humans, robot, mecha, science fiction, realistic GUNDAM,model aging,Edge wear,battle wear, destoryMode,whole body,Samurai sword,purple all over, SRS,surrender,surrender posture,Kneel down and surrender,Kneel down and surrender posture
 solo, weapon, Korean text, no humans, robot, mecha, science fiction, realistic GUNDAM,model aging,Edge wear,battle wear, destoryMode,whole body,Samurai sword,purple all over, SRS,fall over, fall over posture
 solo, weapon, Korean text, no humans, robot, mecha, science fiction, realistic GUNDAM,model aging,Edge wear,battle wear, destoryMode,whole body,Samurai sword,purple all over, SRS,fall, fall posture
 solo, weapon, Korean text, no humans, robot, mecha, science fiction, realistic GUNDAM,model aging,Edge wear,battle wear, destoryMode,whole body,Samurai sword,red all over, SRS,Flying posture

