
((best quality)), (((masterpiece))), (highres), original, extremely detailed 8K wallpaper, (an extremely delicate and beautiful),((best quality)),limited palette, de Stijl de Stijl de Stijl de Stijl gird, (de Stijl:(de Stijl:1.5)(de Stijl:1.5)1.5), limited palette,[flat_de Stijlchest, black de Stijl eyes, long de Stijl red hair, de Stijl eyes,floating black lolita), feather over de Stijl]de Stijl, (double exposure:1.3),(glitch hair+++),(fussion of glitch and dark red hair),[an extremely delicate and beautiful girl who with scarf,feather],(beautiful detailed red eyes),world masterpiece theater,full body,cyberpunk, watercolor

 ((best quality)), (((masterpiece))), (highres), original, extremely detailed 8K wallpaper, (an extremely delicate and beautiful),((best quality)),limited palette, de Stijl de Stijl de Stijl de Stijl gird, (de Stijl:(de Stijl:1.5)(de Stijl:1.5)1.5), limited palette,[flat_de Stijlchest, black de Stijl eyes, long de Stijl red hair, de Stijl eyes,floating black lolita), feather over de Stijl]de Stijl, (double exposure:1.3),(glitch hair+++),(fussion of glitch and dark red hair),[an extremely delicate and beautiful girl who with scarf,feather],(beautiful detailed red eyes),world masterpiece theater,full body,cyberpunk, watercolor
 ((best quality)), (((masterpiece))), (highres), original, extremely detailed 8K wallpaper, (an extremely delicate and beautiful),((best quality)),limited palette, de Stijl de Stijl de Stijl de Stijl gird, (de Stijl:(de Stijl:1.5)(de Stijl:1.5)1.5), limited palette,[flat_de Stijlchest, black de Stijl eyes, long de Stijl red hair, de Stijl eyes,floating black lolita), feather over de Stijl]de Stijl, (double exposure:1.3),(glitch hair+++),(fussion of glitch and dark red hair),[an extremely delicate and beautiful girl who with scarf,feather],(beautiful detailed red eyes),world masterpiece theater,full body,cyberpunk, watercolor
 ((best quality)), (((masterpiece))), (highres), original, extremely detailed 8K wallpaper, (an extremely delicate and beautiful),((best quality)),limited palette, de Stijl de Stijl de Stijl de Stijl gird, (de Stijl:(de Stijl:1.5)(de Stijl:1.5)1.5), limited palette,[flat_de Stijlchest, black de Stijl eyes, long de Stijl red hair, de Stijl eyes,floating black lolita), feather over de Stijl]de Stijl, (double exposure:1.3),(glitch hair+++),(fussion of glitch and dark red hair),[an extremely delicate and beautiful girl who with scarf,feather],(beautiful detailed red eyes),world masterpiece theater,full body,cyberpunk, watercolor

