
1:2066年人类经历一场战争浩劫后,人类再次空前团结,科技也进一步飞跃,进入大航海时代,接近3亿在近地空间站生活,月球得到了开发,约有200万人在月球正面和环月空间站生活,月球背面还是神秘而黑暗,人类对其还是知之甚少…… 2:两个宇航员驾驶“探索”号,环月空间站巡逻,30年前的今日2036年人类首个火星载人火箭成功登陆火星,突然显示屏“地球时间14:28发生月震”显示月球背部发生了月震,月震地点在“泰山”月球坑,阿泰航天员马上驾驶月球车去查看(探索--泰山--索泰,有点熟悉) 3宇航员来到月震点“泰山”月球火山前,一个硕大的巨石阵在眼前,是一个具有古代纹理的巨石阵,巨石阵有30层楼高,巨石阵岩壁并不是普通岩壁,而是高低不平的针脚,阿泰变靠近边向留在探索号的伙伴发报“这像什么,好像过去人类工业时代的产物,无法形容”,这些岩壁上还有极细腻的花纹 4:人类的进步源泉在对未知的探索,阿泰还是忍不住去摸了石阵上的细密花纹,惊奇的事情发生了,阿泰身体像被一阵龙卷风一样卷了进去,在巨大的一个风风扇叶进入了一个黑洞,没过几秒,又是宇宙间的漂浮状,好在他立马启动宇航服的喷气装置稳定下来,但下一秒,让他目瞪口呆,他漂浮在了火星外部空间 5:火星距离地球约2.5亿公里,刚刚他还在距离地球38万公里的月球表面呢,一脸懵逼的他,还没回神过来,自己的警告器显示“地球时间14:28发生月震” 按0.0000058光年换算,这里距离地球12分钟光传递时间,这不是12分钟前发生的事吗,还是我的宇航服的时间系统坏了吗, 6:宇航员环顾四周,除了火星还有刚刚的巨石阵,只不过它漂浮在宇宙中,显得更巨大,他看了看自己的宇航员提示,“探索号正在驶向月球泰山月球环形山,这不是12分钟我们做的事情吗,经过一轮头脑风暴,阿泰启动气流推进去像石阵飞过去,就在靠近的一瞬间它又被大叶扇吸引过去,瞬间进入空间黑暗中,醒过来他又倒在了月球表面…… 7:这太神奇了吧,醒来的阿泰决定再好好看看这个石阵,石阵有高有低,中间还有一个大大缝隙,石阵再缓慢顺时针旋转,阿泰再摸了摸缝隙右边,没有虫洞出现,沿着更左边花纹,按了上去,扇叶虫洞再次出现,阿泰再次消失在轨道中…… 8 这次被传送到更远的星运,阿泰打开了通信系统,这次显示新通讯信号丢失,只有老式地球通讯方式,“庆祝!人类第一艘载人飞船成功登录火星,首5位火星登陆宇航员安全到达火星!”这不是2033年的事情吗?这次石阵光环再次出现在阿泰面前,光环黑洞内中心正对着太阳系,“你好,地球,我是火星,我在火星扬起的小灰尘,人类的一大步!” 阿泰的通讯设备也收到了来自火星地球人的信息,阿泰看后毛孔悚然,“我来到了30年前的时间空间” 9不,应该说我瞬间转移到了30光年以外的其他星云,所以我看到了和接收到30年前的事情, 这是怎么回事,看着唯一没有变化的,就是跟着自己过来的石阵光环,阿泰选择启动气体动力,通过虫洞再回到了月球,这次他决定从石阵的logo出发,触摸石阵中心的logo,奇妙事情发生了,竟然蹦出来一个机器人,而且是会飞的机器人---天启姬! 10天启姬,说明自己是来自500年后的地球,未来地球开启了全面AI时代,而索泰就是这个所有核心计算器,GPU,面前这个石阵实际就是,这个时候所有石阵飞向天空, 11原来 他们都是GPU,只不过之前都埋在了月球表面以下,虽然所有GPU打开,空中的巨型黑洞又打开了,时间并不存在,只要有足够的空间瞬移即可改变时间,回到过去,“你来吗,回到你们那场大战开始前” 阿泰犹豫了一刻,想到可能回不来了,他在通讯器里和同伴说把探索号,也开了过来,飞向了天启姬......(文字篇完,图片待续)

 1girl, solo,blue eyes,long hair,mecha musume,dress,white hair,looking at viewer,mechanical wings,wings,energy,glowing,diffractionspikes,ejaculation,electricity,magic,tarrysky, sexy_sweater, 1 girl
 masterpiece,best quality,depth of field,full body, fullmoon (very wide shot:1.6),(from behind:1.2),spacesuit,cargo pants ,moon,earth,satellite,reflection,futuristic sci-fi style, fantasy style, (fisheye), huge spaceship flying on the (moon), a warship flying beside the spaceship, feeling the low gravity and (silence).
Sense of reality, Film effect, Vastness of the universe, Astronaut, Spaceship cockpit, Moon, Lunar base, Two astronauts piloted the Discovery, Circumlunar space station patrol, 30 years ago today, in 2036, mankind's first Mars manned rocket successfully landed on Mars, Suddenly, the display "Moonquake occurred " showed that there was a moonquake on the back of the Moon, The site of the moonquake is in the "Taishan" crater, The Atai astronauts immediately drove the lunar rover to check it out, 8k
masterpiece,best quality,depth of field,full body,1boy,solo,(very wide shot:1.6),(from behind:1.2),spacesuit,cargo pants ,moon,earth,satellite,reflection,futuristic sci-fi style, fantasy style, from below, (fisheye), (1boy) was wearing a spacesuit, standing on the (moon), feeling the low gravity and (silence). In front of her was a (gray-white soil) and (craters), behind her was a huge black (satellite). She turned around and saw the distant (earth), that blue-green (planet), sparkling with clouds and light. he wondered if people on earth could see her, if they knew she was here. he felt both lonely and free, both insignificant and great.
 (cyberpunk), Megalithic , Megalith logo on the face of moon, Mobius style, Sense of reality, Film effect, Vastness of the universe, Lunar surface, Mt. Tsukikyu, 8k
 (masterpiece), (best quality), illustration, ultra detailed, hdr, Depth of field, (colorful), 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair, Facing the stars, with their backs to the sky, the elaborate Daguerre hanging in the background casts a divine ray from their hands to illuminate the front.In space, On the surface of the moon, Girl in the sky, Medium-distance landscapes
 (masterpiece), (best quality), illustration, ultra detailed, hdr, Depth of field, (colorful), 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair, Facing the stars, with their backs to the sky, the elaborate Daguerre hanging in the background casts a divine ray from their hands to illuminate the front.In space, On the surface of the moon, Girl in the sky, Medium-distance landscapes
 (masterpiece), (best quality), illustration, ultra detailed, hdr, Depth of field, (colorful), parameters (Highest picture quality), (Master's work), bubble, fantastic, It turns out that they are all GPUs, It's just that they were all buried below the surface of the moon before, All GPUs are turned on though, The giant black hole in the sky has opened up again, Time does not exist, As long as there is enough space to teleport, the time can be changed, Go back in time, "Are you coming, Go back to before your big battle began," Artey hesitated for a moment, I thought that I might not be able to come back, He told his companion on the communicator to take the Discovery, I also drove over, Flew to the Apocalypse...... (To be continued)
 masterpiece, best quality, depth of field, full body, 1boy, solo, (very wide shot:1.6), (from behind:1.2), spacesuit,((Helmet, Aerospace suit ))  cargo pants , moon, earth, satellite, reflection, futuristic sci-fi style, fantasy style, from below, (fisheye), (1boy) was wearing a spacesuit, standing on the (moon), feeling the low gravity and (silence). In front of her was a (gray-white soil) and (craters), behind her was a huge black (satellite). She turned around and saw the distant (earth), that blue-green (planet), sparkling with clouds and light. he wondered if people on earth could see her, if they knew she was here. he felt both lonely and free, both insignificant and great., MG_jixie, Arso

