
《智绘天启 万象幻新》 本次创作围绕的是‘索泰RTX加速AI体验’创作的天启姬背景故事,描述的是天启姬通过创新,改装算力翅膀,赢得AIGC比赛。 都为吐司直出图,可下载进行图文处理作为海报、KV、绘本等使用。 明媚的阳光洒在动态繁华的城市中,这个城市叫Suotai,这里住着一个叫天启姬的阳光开朗的女孩。她的笑容如春日的樱花般绽放,对科技的热情比落日更加炽烈。 天启姬有一个梦想,那就是在人工智能领域做出杰出的贡献。于是,当全球最大的AIGC比赛开始报名时,她毫不犹豫地参加了其中。 比赛充满了激烈和挑战,强大的对手和复杂的问题让天启姬开始感到压力巨大。但是,她没有退缩,而是用无比的决心和专注来迎接挑战。在比赛中,她不断提高自己,优化算法,创新解决方案,表现出耀眼的光芒。 然后,令人惊讶的事情发生了。天启姬驾驭着显卡,像一位魔法师一样,让其息息相通,如同自己的一部分。显卡的光辉照亮了她的身体,形成了一对翅膀。这对翅膀闪烁着斑斓的光芒,仿佛是她勇往直前的力量,是她驾驭数字世界的引擎。 在比赛的最后一轮,天启姬面对着一个几乎无法解决的问题,这是一道关于数据分析和预测的挑战。然而,天启姬并没有退缩,她用她独特的"算力翅膀",解决了这个问题。她的解决方案几乎完美,使得评审都对此赞叹不已。 最后,天启姬以她独特的技巧和热情赢得了这场全球范围的比赛。她的胜利让整个Mirage城市为之欢呼,但她知道,这只是她科技道路的起点,她的"算力翅膀"将帮助她飞向更高更远的未来。

 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair,An astronaut looking for a door in space, silver and cyan colors, baroque sci-fi, digital neon, 8K resolution style, spectacular background, surrealism, HD
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair, ((masterpiece)), ((best quality)), 8k, high detailed, ultra-detailed,(time-travel),(electronic components), (intricate details), (colorful), (abstract), (futuristic), (advanced technology), (multi-layered), (depth of field),
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair, Cyberpunk art, A mysterious girl in a neon-drenched outfit, standing in front ofaglowing时空传送 portal, amidst a bustling plaza filled with futuristic technology, wide-angle shot, high-definition details, with a focus on the contrasting neon lights and dark atmosphere.
1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair,A girl with abstract features and a surreal aura, facing a swirling time-space vortex, on a chaotic square with random tech installations, bird's-eye view, characterized by vibrant colors and sharp contrasts, emphasizing the artistic chaos and absurdity.
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair, Science Fiction Movie Poster image of a man on a futuristic platform, spatial concept art, in the style of 3d game art, long shot, epic landscapes, teal and silver, elaborate spacecrafts, daguerreian, celestialpunk, god rays, 8K, super detailed, unreal engine, CG ray tracing, CG rendering
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair, Cyber-surrealism, a female astronaut with circuitry tattoos, amidst a galaxy of silver and teal, an otherworldly portal, baroque-inspired spacecraft, neon-lit void, wide-angle lens, 8K ultra-high-definition, epic and intricate
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair,Techno clothing, cubist abstractions, computer parts as the subject of art fragments, vibrant color palettes, low-angle perspective, sharp lines, high-resolution canvases.
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair,Techno clothing, cubist abstractions, computer parts as the subject of art fragments, vibrant color palettes, low-angle perspective, sharp lines, high-resolution canvases.
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair,Techno clothing, cubist abstractions, computer parts as the subject of art fragments, vibrant color palettes, low-angle perspective, sharp lines, high-resolution canvases.
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair,Neon-lit, cyberpunk aesthetic, a girl with tech-gear, immersed in a high-tech assembly hub, reflective surfaces and holographic projections as the background, bird's-eye view, glowing outlines, ultra-high-definition, VHS glitch effect.
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair,Neon-lit, cyberpunk aesthetic, a girl with tech-gear, immersed in a high-tech assembly hub, reflective surfaces and holographic projections as the background, bird's-eye view, glowing outlines, ultra-high-definition, VHS glitch effect.
1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair, Surre dreamscape, a girl with cybernetic enhancements, workshop filled with floating computer parts, ethereal background with melting clocks, close-up profile, high-definition, artistic blur.
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair, Cyber-surrealism, a female astronaut with circuitry tattoos, amidst a galaxy of silver and teal, an otherworldly portal, baroque-inspired spacecraft, neon-lit void, wide-angle lens, 8K ultra-high-definition, epic and intricate
 1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair,Neo-baroque, a tech prodigy in a sleek space suit, traversing a landscape of silver and cyan, questing for a door amidst digital artistry, neon-laced cosmos, panoramic view, 8K ultra-high-definition, grand and surreal imagery
1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair, High-drama sci-fi baroque, a girl with cybernetic implants, draped in silver and blue, stands before a mysterious gateway, surrounded by neon-flecked space, cinematic close-up, 8K image resolution, opulent and surreal
1girl, long hair, bangs, blue eyes, white hair, floating hair, Baroque sci-fi, a tech-savvy girl in space suit, searching for an ethereal door, silver and cerulean hues, digital neon lights illuminating the scene, 8K resolution, grandiose cosmic background, with a touch of surrealism, hyper-realistic detail

