
【大使龙】加密王国的杰出外交使者! 创作思路:大使龙的铠甲设计灵感来源于中世纪的骑士。铠甲象征着坚固和保护,代表着大使龙在执行任务时的坚定和无畏。同时,铠甲的设计也充满了艺术感,细节处的雕刻和装饰都展示了加密王国的高级工艺和审美。 其次,大使龙的翅膀设计灵感来源于神秘的龙。翅膀象征着自由和力量,代表着大使龙的高贵和威严。翅膀的设计也非常华丽,羽毛的细节和色彩都展示了加密王国的独特美学。 将中世纪骑士的坚韧和神秘龙的威严相结合,创造出一个既强大又优雅的形象,完美地代表了加密王国的外交使命和精神。

 full body,Handsome Chinese dragon, white and gold basedancient Chinese robe, fluffy fur, cute features,A halo floating on the head,,Beautiful mechanical wings,The bustling urban background, front, character IP design, 3D, OC rendering,C4D,cinematic lighting, ray tracing, Extreme viewing angle, fisheye lens,UHD, anatomicallycorrect,ccurate, super detail, high details, best quality, 16k
 full body,Handsome Chinese dragon, white and gold basedancient Chinese robe, fluffy fur, cute features,A halo floating on the head,,Beautiful mechanical wings,The bustling urban background, front, character IP design, 3D, OC rendering,C4D,cinematic lighting, ray tracing, UHD, anatomicallycorrect,ccurate, super detail, high details, best quality, 16k
 full body,Handsome Chinese dragon, white and gold basedancient Chinese robe, fluffy fur, cute features,A halo floating on the head,,Beautiful mechanical wings,The bustling urban background, front, character IP design, 3D, OC rendering,C4D,cinematic lighting, ray tracing, Extreme viewing angle, fisheye lens,UHD, anatomicallycorrect,ccurate, super detail, high details, best quality, 16k
 full body,Handsome Chinese dragon, white and gold basedancient Chinese robe, fluffy fur, cute features,A halo floating on the head,,Beautiful mechanical wings,The bustling urban background, front, character IP design, 3D, OC rendering,C4D,cinematic lighting, ray tracing, Extreme viewing angle, fisheye lens,UHD, anatomicallycorrect,ccurate, super detail, high details, best quality, 16k
 ((full body)),Extreme viewing angle, fisheye lens,Handsome Chinese dragon, white and gold basedancient Chinese robe, fluffy fur, cute features,A halo floating on the head,,Beautiful mechanical wings,The bustling urban background, front, character IP design, 3D, OC rendering,C4D,cinematic lighting, ray tracing, UHD, anatomicallycorrect,ccurate, super detail, high details, best quality, 16k
 ((full body)),Extreme viewing angle, fisheye lens,Handsome Chinese dragon, white and gold basedancient Chinese robe, fluffy fur, cute features,A halo floating on the head,,Beautiful mechanical wings,The bustling urban background, front, character IP design, 3D, OC rendering,C4D,cinematic lighting, ray tracing, UHD, anatomicallycorrect,ccurate, super detail, high details, best quality, 16k

