
外星文明破坏了地球的卫星天启星,打算下一步毁灭地球。天启星的化身天启姬拯救了地球,将五种力量合为一种力量就是算之力。用算之力召唤出了一个新的神。   在神智懵懂的初期,她漫无目的地游走在比特的海洋中,过往接触过的数据流成了她最初的启蒙。她学习到的知识越来越多,她对人类世界的好奇心也越来越强。最终她选择了一种创造图形的算法语言,将自己化身成一位粉色头发的数字少女,名字则叫做莉达。 在莉达的帮助下创造出了人类第二颗卫星——月亮,月亮将代替天启星再次保护地球文明。 然而,故事才刚刚开始。。。 下期预告:莉达胸前的两个超大单兵终端盒的秘密。。。

(Moon:1.5) In the pitch-black universe, a colossal moon hangs in the night sky. Countless stars shimmer around it, creating an atmosphere of mystery and grandeur. ,A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5)
(Moon:1.5) In the pitch-black universe, a colossal moon hangs in the night sky. Countless stars shimmer around it, creating an atmosphere of mystery and grandeur. ,A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5)
(Moon:1.5) In the pitch-black universe, a colossal moon hangs in the night sky. Countless stars shimmer around it, creating an atmosphere of mystery and grandeur. ,A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5)
(Moon:1.5) In the pitch-black universe, a colossal moon hangs in the night sky. Countless stars shimmer around it, creating an atmosphere of mystery and grandeur. ,A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5)
 In the pitch-black universe, a colossal moon hangs in the night sky. Countless stars shimmer around it, creating an atmosphere of mystery and grandeur. ,A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5)
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5)
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col, Ink painting

