
0在远古的神秘东方有一个传说,当天启星在东边的时候就会有大灾难降临人间,这时候人类可能面临一场浩劫,但幸运的是会有一个神(也是天启星的化身)降临人间拯救人类。根据远古文字(卞的好雷文)记载,123…12345…1+1=10……翻译过来就是: 天启星,东方显, 山无棱,天地合。 神降临,天启姬, 骑土龙,抱凤凰。 蓝眼睛,白头发, 五行力,救昌生。 合为一,莉达成, 造新星,保和平。 1龙国国王夜观天象看见天启星出现在几东方天空,顿时慌了神,忙传瞎血大祭司,谁知大祭司早已在殿外等候,并且告诉国王,传说是真的,天启星最后的光辉将保护人类三个地球年,三年之后,人类乃至整个世界都将迎来一场大浩劫,只有拥有神之力的天启姬可以救我们。他骑的龙东强抱着红粉凤凰、花凤凰,定能拯救世界挽救昌生。皇帝急了,可这异象已出,天启神姬在哪里呢?大祭司回:传说古文已经写的很清楚了,天启姬蓝眼白发,只有在海峡对面凤梨岛上的当归部落族人才是蓝眼白发啊!姬为少女,定是一位蓝眼白发少女。皇帝一听,心里暗暗一想,“有道理啊,差点以为是白发老太太,白兴奋了。”忙下令,举国上下以倾国之力去凤梨岛找到天启姬。 2本以为会很顺利,结果天不随人愿,本来这凤梨岛的当归部落族人就因战后遗留问题有过很多纷争。并且族人还受窝瓜国、罗刹国等国蛊惑让其独立。可是族人顶住了压力,为了世界和平为了统一为了国之大义,遵循一代部落首领蒋秃秃的遗训,积极配合中央决定,全民拥护龙****,保证完成任务,誓必找到天启姬——人类最后的希望。 3留给人类的时间不多了。时间转瞬即逝,一年过去了,这期间人类世界地震日渐频繁,灾害不断。人们苦不堪言,可是在自然灾害面前人类太渺小了。又到了朝拜天启星的日子。。。龙国国王在次找到瞎血大祭司委派他亲自去凤梨岛的当归部落找到天启姬,救人民于水火。。 4找到天启姬!找到天启姬!……人们自发的有型游行起来,没有不平等,没有歧视,没有贫富差距,所有人整齐统一,人们空前的齐心协力。因为他们也是龙国人,也在一直守护着这个传说。。。瞎血大祭司来到当归部落但也没顾及吃直接去找天启姬了。。找了一天,若然无果,累了在树下休息。喝水解渴,底下步卒抱怨到:找龙寻凤!这鬼地方难道有仙境不成。。人类真的要毁灭了吗?。。大祭司闻而不言。闭目眼神。。。片刻,耳边传来不远处一个孩童正在朗诵歌谣,仔细听闻孩童曰:“1生2,2生3,3生万物,12345,金木水火土,天地分成上和下,日与天启照今古”。。。大祭司忙箭步跑去跟前曰:小孩!有吃的吗?。。不对,不是这句。。。大祭司定眼一看。。。1girl,luoli,on the………一萝莉女孩蓝眼白发好生自在,骑在一个土墙之上,怀里抱着一只大公鸡。。。大祭司恍然大悟问其曰:1+1等于几?孩童性格阳光开朗,反应甚是机敏,答曰:1+1=10。。。大祭司忙说,答对了,我可找到你了。快随我去找龙王复命吧。。。步卒追上来不解道:龙呢?凤呢?是1+1=2才对吧。。大祭司曰:汝等肉眼凡胎怎识真姬。。这土墙就是土龙,这公鸡就是凤凰啊,这1+1想必是个娃娃也会知道等于2而这女童虽其貌不扬,但气度不凡,仙气飘飘,一身横练的筋骨,是个百年难遇的武学奇才啊。1+1等于10是二进制啊,人类一直在研究于高级文明建立联系,一直不成,就是因为算力不够,要先到达二进制文明才能有所突破啊。。现在的人类算力不足,没有意识的进步,却为了获得力量,能量,和高等级文明的东西,破坏了生态,污染了海洋。自我毁灭是迟早的事。这次浩劫天启星真的能拯救我们吗?? 5一行众人还是不敢相信这就是天启姬,也有不少步卒害怕是假的天启姬回去后被治罪。。。但大祭司眼神很坚定,。。带着天启姬跋山涉水,翻山越岭。。路过长江,天启姬像个孩子一样跳进水里玩耍。吓坏了大祭司一行人。可是女孩水性很好,上岸那一刻,出水芙蓉,好似长大了几岁。众人不解。。走到黄河边,天启姬洗了把脸,喝了一口黄河水,眼望着天启星,,,黄河之水天上来的诗句不知道从哪冒出来。。。天启姬像是想起了他的前世想起了她来这世界上的使命。。众人看向天启姬。倾国倾城,美若天仙。又长大了,又变漂亮了。蓝宝石般的眼睛,银白色飘逸长发,刘海自然得体,太美了。。。大祭司哈哈一笑。。这就是天启姬——人类最后的希望。。。 6回到东土龙国。女孩已经变成了一个阳光开朗的花季美少女。龙国国王跪地接见天启姬。。。国王第一句话没有问什么拯救人类有何法?也没说什么真正的面壁者国家需要你之类的话。而是说了句:近百年了,我东方龙国近百年来都没有统一,你的出现,凤梨岛的当归部落直接认祖归宗了。。。还唱起了歌:你可知凤梨不知我真姓,我离开你太久了母亲。。。全国上下锣鼓喧天,鞭炮齐鸣,红旗招展,人山人海。人们合合美美团团圆圆的气氛。。。连自然灾害地震都仿佛害怕了而没了动静。。。 7事不宜迟,我这就出发。告别龙王,告别大祭司。临别龙王亲送行,喝送别酒,龙王取地上一捏捏泥土捻入碗中道:我东土龙国之土定将保你一路顺风。路上艰难险阻,别忘了收几个能干的徒弟,也好降妖除魔保你平安取得五行之力。。。 (天启姬的神力降临在人间后就消失了,只有依靠自己不断的升级修炼逐渐领悟自己的原力,并且在神秘的龙国找到金木水火土五种五行之力,合五为一,获得强大力量拯救世界。) 未完。。。待续。。。 不好意思,不会编了

 riding a gigantic Chinese dragon, which is covered in shimmering golden scales, soaring through the air. They are tightly embracing a magnificent and colorful Chinese phoenix, whose feathers radiate a dazzling light in the sunlight.

A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 riding a gigantic Chinese dragon, which is covered in shimmering golden scales, soaring through the air. They are tightly embracing a magnificent and colorful Chinese phoenix, whose feathers radiate a dazzling light in the sunlight.

A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
(Little girl:1.5)riding a gigantic (Chinese dragon:1.5), which is covered in shimmering golden scales, soaring through the air. They are tightly embracing a magnificent and colorful (Chinese phoenix:1.5), whose feathers radiate a dazzling light in the sunlight.

A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
(Little girl:1.5)riding a gigantic (Chinese dragon:1.5), which is covered in shimmering golden scales, soaring through the air. They are tightly embracing a magnificent and colorful (Chinese rooster:1.5), whose feathers radiate a dazzling light in the sunlight.

A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
(Little girl:1.5)riding a gigantic (Chinese soil wall:1.5), which is covered in shimmering golden scales, soaring through the air. They are tightly embracing a magnificent and colorful (Chinese rooster:1.5), whose feathers radiate a dazzling light in the sunlight.

A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
(Little girl:1.5)riding a gigantic (Chinese soil wall:1.5), which is covered in shimmering golden scales, soaring through the air. They are tightly embracing a magnificent and colorful (Chinese rooster:1.5), whose feathers radiate a dazzling light in the sunlight.

A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
(Little girl:1.5)riding a gigantic (Chinese soil wall:1.5), which is covered in shimmering golden scales, soaring through the air. They are tightly embracing a magnificent and colorful (Chinese rooster:1.5), whose feathers radiate a dazzling light in the sunlight.

A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5), col
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5), col
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5), col
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5)
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant (Chinese red:1.5). Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, Against the backdrop of a night sky, there shines (a bright star:1.5)
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 A demon with white hair, blue eyes resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 A demon with white hair, blue eyes resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 A demon with white hair, blue eyes resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
A demon with white hair, blue eyes resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col
 A demon with (white hair:1.5),(blue eyes:1.5) resembling blue gemstones, and a fringed haircut. This demon exudes an outgoing and sunny personality. She is dressed in a peculiar, mechanical construct cheongsam gown, predominantly made of gossamer material, with accents that evoke the ambiance of fire element. The cheongsam gown itself is in vibrant Chinese red. Completing her ensemble, she wears a pair of high-heeled shoes.
, col

