A beautiful young girl taking photos, wearing a delicate flower wreath, surrounded by blooming canola flowers. The background is a simple blend of pure purple and blue, with cinematic lighting that makes the whole scene more vivid and textured. Ultra HD photo of a girl in a flower wreath surrounded by canola flowers, pure purple and blue background, film-level lighting, trending on Unsplash, high quality, sharp focus, vibrant colors, artistic, natural beauty, serene atmosphere, photorealistic image by top photographers, inspired by Pinterest and Instagram.

A beautiful young girl taking photos, wearing a delicate flower wreath, surrounded by blooming canola flowers. The background is a simple blend of pure purple and blue, with cinematic lighting that makes the whole scene more vivid and textured. Ultra HD photo of a girl in a flower wreath surrounded by canola flowers, pure purple and blue background, film-level lighting, trending on Unsplash, high quality, sharp focus, vibrant colors, artistic, natural beauty, serene atmosphere, photorealistic image by top photographers, inspired by Pinterest and Instagram.



A beautiful young girl taking photos, wearing a delicate flower wreath, surrounded by blooming canola flowers. The background is a simple blend of pure purple and blue, with cinematic lighting that makes the whole scene more vivid and textured. Ultra HD photo of a girl in a flower wreath surrounded by canola flowers, pure purple and blue background, film-level lighting, trending on Unsplash, high quality, sharp focus, vibrant colors, artistic, natural beauty, serene atmosphere, photorealistic image by top photographers, inspired by Pinterest and Instagram.


(worst quality:2),(low quality:2),(normal quality:2),lowres,watermark,,nsfw


DPM++ 2M Karras



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