繁花似锦,当世界开满了花|SDXL - V1.0

GummiRay,An alien planet composed entirely of colorful gummies, featuring a whimsical octopus alien with expressive eyes, tentacles detailed like translucent jelly, amidst a landscape of gummy mountains and gummy trees, under a bright, candy-colored sky. The scene radiates a playful, surreal atmosphere, with a vibrant color palette dominated by neon hues. The alien should have a quirky, cartoonish appearance, blending elements of fantasy and sci-fi. The image is to be rendered in a digital art style, with a focus on hyperrealistic textures to bring out the glossy, chewy quality of the gummy environment. Include soft, diffuse lighting to enhance the shiny surfaces of the gummy elements and give depth to the scene,(((poakl flower style))),<lora:poaklflowerstyle-000006:0.6>,