枯枝绿洲 - v1

1girl,<lora:枯枝1:1>,This picture depicts a surrealistic image of a woman blending with natural elements. A woman stands in a desolate scene,her back and hair gradually turning into branches and twigs of a tree. A few flowers bloomed on the branch,as if she were a tree growing flowers. She was wearing a flowing white long skirt,with the hem spread out on the ground,interweaving with the lines of the tree roots. This woman's posture is sideways facing backwards,facing the mist in the distance,as if she is gazing or contemplating. The color contrast,light and shadow processing,and theme conception in this picture are all very captivating,creating a feeling of combining fantasy and reality. Overall,images convey an artistic concept that combines natural and human forms,full of symbolic meaning and inner emotional expression.,smile,