(from side:1.25), (cowboy shot:1.2), (running:1.2), (solo), (worried:1.3), (outline), (emphasis lines), BREAK(Negative space:1.3), (abstract art:1.2), (black theme:0.4), (hallucinogen:1.2), (parody:1.3), (many big butterfly patterns:1.3), (floating gears:1.3), (dack room), (mechanical room background), (lots of mechanical gears floating:1.2), wind, (a lot of floating ash:1.25), (a lot of floating debris:1.25), (destroy), (chains), (floating big butterfly patterns), <lora:sharkmaid-v100-000029:0.8>, maid, Ellen Joe, 1tail, shark girl, (shark:-0.5), 1girl, red eyes, tail, pantyhose, multicolored hair, black footwear, short sleeves, apron, wrist cuffs, maid headdress