SDXL中秋孔明灯 - v1.0

best quality,kongmingdeng in the sky, night, zhangdengjiecai, This photo is presented in a warm color tone, resembling the style of the famous photographer Steve McCurry. Under the tranquil night sky, the bright moonlight illuminates the scene where people are celebrating the festival. The close-up shot of the photo allows viewers to feel the enthusiasm and joy of releasing sky lanterns. In the sky, a graceful peacock soars, its feathers shining with colorful brilliance under the moonlight. People hold sky lanterns in their hands, smiling as they release them into the sky, creating a joyful atmosphere that permeates the entire image. Each person's posture is natural and genuine, exuding happiness and blessings. The surroundings are adorned with various decorations such as colorful lights and flower wreaths, adding to the festive ambiance. The use of depth of field makes the photo more three-dimensional, immersing viewers in the scene. Overall, this photo not only showcases the festivity of the holiday but also provides visual enjoyment through the imitation of Steve McCurry's style.